Saturday, 25 January 2014

REVIEW | LUSH The Comforter

So here it is, my all time favourite bubble bar from LUSH, The Comforter (£4.50 each). If you go into a LUSH store you'll see this one right away, it's much bigger than many of their other products, so though it is more expensive than the other bath bombs and bubble bars, you can get quite a few uses out of it so I suppose it is pretty justifiable, well at least, I think so. Personally, I tend to split it into quarters (see below) and as I reckon by using that amount you can still get the full effect of the bubbles, scent and colour. 

As for the scent, a strong blackcurrant fragrance instantly hits you, it's so fruity and sweet, I just love it! Even when you use it the scent stays strong in the water and you can smell it in your hair and skin for hours after your bath. Also, it does its job really well, by that I mean, when you crush it under a running tap it makes bubbles instantly and in vast quantities (even when using a quarter of the bar). Lastly it turns your water a lovely bright pink colour (as you can see quite well in the photos below) which I adore as I love all things pink!

So yeah, I definitely recommend The Comforter, it smells lovely, it creates plenty of bubbles and easily gets at least 4 uses from just one bar. If you're ever in the store you should check it out!

Okay, so that's it with LUSH products for now as I've run out (I doubt that will be the case for long though!) but I am going to review some other bath products soon and maybe a few make-up items, so keep a look out!

If there's a particular product you would like me to review from lush or anywhere else, leave a comment below and I'll see what I can do!

Keep smiling,
BirdsinBlossom x


  1. ah i've always wanted to try the comforter! thanks for the review, i'll have to go get one now!

    1. No doubt you'll love it! Thanks for commenting!

      Birds in Blossom x

  2. I went to lush for the very first time today and I was going to buy this but I didn't! Just in case you don't already know I'm currently holding a giveaway on my blog, it's not much but it'd be great if you could enter :) x

    1. Sure thing, I'll enter now. Thanks for commenting!

      Birds in Blossom x

  3. Replies
    1. Me too! (...obviously)
      Thanks for commenting!

      Birds in Blossom x

  4. Yes!! The best thing I've bought from LUSH to date!! I got the lady in the store to cute it into 6's and worked great! The smell and colour are such a nice touch to a bath :)!

    Cachoo Joo

    1. I've never thought to ask the person in the store to cut it up, definitely going to try that next time I buy one!

      Birds in Blossom x

  5. How much of the bar did you use in that picture? A quarter/half or all of it? :) I've never tried it but it sounds amazing! :D
    Elephant stories and more

    1. Just a quarter, you can easily get a few uses out of it, it's really good!

      Birds in Blossom x
